The client is using a CA DADS Plus for CICS batch interface program to start a transaction and pass data to the program associated with the transaction. In the example below transaction RETR is being started and passing 35 bytes of data to it AAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCDDDDD
But the program associated with the transaction never receives the data.
The transaction that you are starting with DADS COMMAND=START must execute a CICS RETRIEVE command to obtain the data. The program that gets invoked by the transaction was NOT doing a EXEC RETRIEVE. It was doing an EXEC CICS RECEIVE.
The program that gets control by the transaction that you are starting with DADS COMMAND=START must execute a CICS RETRIEVE command to obtain the data. CA DADS for CICS does not support the RECEIVE of the data only the RETRIEVE. You may be able to use CEDF to see if a Retrieve or Receive is being done.