Admin console showing when clicked on Risk Authentication tab when Strong Auth and Risk Auth are deployed on Separate machines
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Admin console showing when clicked on Risk Authentication tab when Strong Auth and Risk Auth are deployed on Separate machines


Article ID: 72392


Updated On:


CA Advanced Authentication CA Advanced Authentication - Risk Authentication (RiskMinder / RiskFort) CA Strong Authentication


We have deployed the Strong Auth and Risk Auth on separate OS servers and after deploying the Admin console Risk screen getting names as, How can this be solved?




When Risk server and Strong Auth server are deployed in separate machines, arcotadmin.war file does not contain all the screens Of Strong Auth server if the war file was deployed from the Risk server instance. ARCOT_HOME/resourcepacks contains the screens for the Admin console.


Please follow the below steps and it is going to regenerate the new Arcot Admin and Arcot UDS war files with Webfort and RiskFort resourcepacks.

  1. Login to Risk server machine and then go to ARCOT_HOME/resourcepacks folder.
  2. Copy the to Strong Auth server box and at location ARCOT_HOME/resourcepacks.
  3. Go to location ARCOT_HOME/tools/common/bundlemanager
  4. Run the following command --  java -jar bundle-manager.jar
  5. Once completed it will re-generate the arcotadmin and arcotuds.war files ar ARCOT_HOME/java/webapps
  6. Stop the application server and undeploy the Admin and UDS war files and if Tomcat clear the work folder as well.
  7. Deploy the Admin and UDS war files.
  8. Start the application server and test the screens

Follow the above steps and if there are any questions please reach out to Support.