Spectrum SCOM Connector is not working
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Spectrum SCOM Connector is not working


Article ID: 72247


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


You notice that even though your Spectrum SCOM Connector service is running, you are not seeing any alerts in Spectrum from SCOM. Looking at the alerts in the SCOM Manager, you notice the alerts are not being forwarded to the registered Spectrum SCOM Connector.


Any version of Spectrum integrated with SCOM


Enable the SCOM Connector Debug by performing the steps below will reveal the following error in the SCOMConnector\CONNECTOR_DEBUG.OUT file:

  1.  Add the line "debuglevel = 3" in the SCOMConnector\.scomrc file.
  2. Restart the "Spectrum SCOM Connector" service.

2/23/2018 8:38:38 PM: SCOMSpectrumMgr::isConnected() - alarmDomain is available 
2/23/2018 8:38:38 PM: SCOMSpectrumMgr::isConnected() - callbackRegistered = 1, ss_switch = False, isPrimary = 1 
2/23/2018 8:38:38 PM: Getting new/updated alerts from SCOM... 
2/23/2018 8:38:38 PM: Received 500 alerts from SCOM 
2/23/2018 8:38:38 PM: SCOMWorker::run() - processing alert: https://scom.####.com:443/OperationsManager/default.aspx?DisplayMode=Pivot&AlertID=5e65d9c2-5351-4d2c-ae43-3dd8cffeb7fd, alarmID = , curResState = -1, alert->ResState = 255, alert->RepeatCount = 3 
2/23/2018 8:38:38 PM: Using PrincipalName: null 
2/23/2018 8:38:38 PM: Using CustomField1: 
2/23/2018 8:38:38 PM: clearing alarm on model 0x629b5906 
2/23/2018 8:38:38 PM: clearing alarm on model 0xaaa399a6 
2/23/2018 8:38:38 PM: FAILURE: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. 
at CsCModelDomain.CsCModelPropList_var.{dtor}(CsCModelPropList_var* ) 
at ___CxxCallUnwindDtor(IntPtr pDtor, Void* pThis) 
at SCOMSpectrumMgr.clearAlarms(SCOMSpectrumMgr* , String modelName, String alertUrl) 
at SCOMWorker.run() 
2/23/2018 8:38:38 PM: Failed to process SCOM alert updates, waiting 30 seconds for services to become available... 

The System.AccessViolationException is a .Net exception that gets thrown when there is an attempt to read from or write to protected memory. If several read or write operations have occurred through bad pointers, memory may be corrupted. Based on previous Sustaining Engineering review of the SCOM Connector code, this is likely the result of running an older SCOM Connector with a newer SpectroSERVER, and thus the conflict.

The SCOM Connector and SpectroSERVER must be the same release. Therefore, anytime you upgrade the SpectroSERVER, you must also upgrade the SCOM connector.


Check to see if the SCOM connector being used is from an older release:
  1. Launch a File Explorer in Windows.
  2. Navigate to the Install Directory of the SCOM Connector.
  3. In the File Explorer, right click on the column header.
  4. Select “More…”
  5. Enable “File Version” and “Product version”.
To resolve the issue:
  1. Stop the “Spectrum SCOM Connector” service from the Windows Services dialog window.
  2. Uninstall the SCOM Connector by opening a command line and executing the following command from the SCOMConnector directory:  “SpectrumSCOMConnector.exe –remove
  3. Go to the SCOM Manager server and unregister the SCOM Connector from the SCOM Manager by taking the following steps:
    1. Make a copy of the script found at Removing unwanted product connectors in SCOM 2012 R2 and SCOM 2016
    2. Edit line 11 of the script to use the correct connectorName, and save the script as DeleteConnector.ps1, in the SCOMConnector directory
    3. Open a “PowerShell” and cd to the SCOMConnector directory
    4. Run the PowerShell script:  DeleteConnector.ps1
  4. Once the Script runs and the Connector is unregistered and no longer seen in the SCOM Manager, rename the SCOMConnector directory.
  5. Go to the SpectroSERVER and bring over a copy of the $SPECROOT/SCOMConnector directory and place it on the SCOM Connector server.
  6. Make a copy of the scomrc.example file and name it .scomrc
  7. Make a copy of the corbarc.example file and name it .corbarc
  8. Edit the .scomrc file with the appropriate entries for your environment. You may want to look at the old .scomrc file as an example.
  9. Install the SCOM Connector service by running:  “SpectrumSCOMConnector.exe –install”. Reference the "Install the SCOM Connector" section of the documentation for more information.
  10. Start the “Spectrum SCOM Connector” service
  11. Register and configure the SCOM Connector with the SCOM Manager. Reference the "Verify that the SCOM Connector is Running Properly" section of the documentation for more information.

Additional Information

Reference the "Microsoft MOM and SCOM" section of the documentation for more information.