When performing a secure loopback transfer after an upgrade to CA XCOM Data Transport r11.6 16083 SP01 64bit, these errors messages are displayed.
Could not get function dispatch table for CA-OpenSSL Crypto library
followed by:
#XCOMU0298E Unable to allocate remote transaction program: Txpi 227: Socket received 0 bytes: partner closed socket. Last error: 0
After restarting xcom, there is another error:
#XCOMU0298E Unable to allocate remote transaction program: Txpi 701: Received remote data block at 0X7FFFC450B0D0 starting with invalid EyeCatcher 0X436F756C.....
The CAPKIHOME parameter in the xcom.glb is set to the wrong path.
The default location for this is CAPKIHOME=/opt/CA/SharedComponents/CAPKI/CAPKI5/Linux/amd64/64/lib as stated in our online documentation for CAPKIHOME.
If it is not at the default location, you should set it to the path holding library libcaopenssl_crypto.so.
Recycle xcomd to reload the global parameters after making this change.