Sample JCL for DBO unload of IMS Fastpath / DEDB database
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Sample JCL for DBO unload of IMS Fastpath / DEDB database


Article ID: 72179


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Sample JCL for unloading an IMS Fast Path / DEDB database to a sequential file.


We provide sample JCL in hlq.CIMTSAMP. For unloading and reloading databases (including DEDBs) to sequential files, the samples are provided
in members JCLDBO, JCLDBO1 and JCLDBO2; unloading in native mode, IMS batch mode and IMS BMP mode respectively.

- if you are only performing an Unload then you can remove the references to Reload.
- DD DBOUNLD2 is only required if you wish to create a second unload copy.
- For DEDB unloads you must use either the AREA or DDNAME control statement. They are mutually exclusive.