Before performing below procedures, restarting the DE Server or a change role may address the issue.
Also, in Workload Automation DE 12.1 and higher, follow the procedure to delete specific application generations in a cold start.
Another option is using PURGECOMPLETEDJOBS command. We recommend to open a case with CA Support to record the occurrence of the experienced behavior and obtain permission to proceed.
- Using the Desktop Client, review and notate the Applications and their respective Generation numbers that are impacted by the described behavior.
- After composing a listing of those application and generation numbers, execute the SQL query: select STATUS from ESP_WSS_APPL where APPL_NAME like '<application name>' and APPL_GEN_NO=<generation number>;
- If the status of the application displayed is anything other than 2, then you can update the database to mark the application as complete. STATUS of 2 is complete.
- You should work with your DBA to get the necessary records updated according to your listing of applications/generation numbers. An example of SQL statement to update a record would be update ESP_WSS_APPL set STATUS=2 where APPL_NAME='<application name>' and APPL_GEN_NO=<generation number>. This is only an example for reference purposes only.
- Once this is done, you can either manually execute the PURGECOMPLETEDJOBS command from the CLI perspective for all specific application generations by entering the command PURGECOMPLETEDJOBS application("application name") or allow your scheduled HOUSEKEEPING process to clear them out according to your organizations retention standards.