What operators can be specified for Database Analyzer Program-Based Action Conditions
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What operators can be specified for Database Analyzer Program-Based Action Conditions


Article ID: 72151


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Database Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS


What operators can be specified for Database Analyzer for Db2 for z/OS (PDA) Program-Based Action Conditions so that objects can be selected or excluded based on multiple DB2 statuses.


Database Analyzer allows users to create action conditions based on one or more Db2 statuses. These action conditions can also be used with either an OR operator or an AND operator. 

A comma specifies the OR operator and an ampersand specifies specifies the AND operator.  A user can select objects based on a series of Db2 statuses separated by the logical operator - the comma or the ampersand.  The 'NOT' condition value can also be used to skip certain statuses. 

The condition returns a value denoting the outcome of a true/false test which then determines whether the objects is selected (true) or rejected(false).

  • OR conjunction

    If multiple conditions are selected for a specific DB2 object type, the conditions are connected by the OR conjunction. If any of the conditions are true, the object is selected for processing.

  • AND conjunction

    All conditions that are selected must be true. The statistics for each object are tested to determine whether the condition is true. When the first condition is false, the object is excluded from processing.


S (TS) Check for one or more DB2 statuses  B ! AREO*,REORP

Selects objects if they have a DB2 status of AREO* or REORP.

S (TS) Check for one or more DB2 statuses  B ! NOT STOP & NOT COPY

Selects objects if they have a DB2 status other than STOP or COPY. So an object with RW status would be selected. Rejects objects if they have a DB2 status of STOP or COPY.

Additional Information

For further details on the Action Condition operators you can place an H, next to this condition on the 'ACTION CONDITIONS' panel and this will display 'Action Condition - Help' panel.