In a File Publish, when exporting from our Data Pool to XML, the XML namespace designators are incorrect. For example, the Portal adds the namespace as "tdsns1" to the response XML after exporting. The source R/R pairs do not have "tdns1" tags. See the below comparison:
- Before TDM:
- After TDM Export:
<tdsns1:DELINQUENTDATE tdsns1:DAY="03" tdsns1:MONTH="01" tdsns1:YEAR="0001"/>
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Have existing data pool with all the rules created.
2. Make it available for self-service and as a tile on TDoD.
3. Create new request.
4. Submits/publishes successfully.
5. Export back into XML format.
- You can see that 'tdsns1' has been added before every line, when it should look like the original.
The namespace is configurable in the '' file found in C:\Program Files\CA\CA Test Data Manager Portal\conf.
This namespace is supported by all XML parsers and validators, and it works exactly like the source XML.
The product is working as designed. The workaround is to configure the namespace. If you would like to see the product work differently, you can submit an enhancement request by following the directions in this document:
If you experience any further issues, please open a support case by going to