Default software content download job is running successfully with OK status but system status messages on domain manager still showing message " Software Contents are XX days old ".
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Default software content download job is running successfully with OK status but system status messages on domain manager still showing message " Software Contents are XX days old ".


Article ID: 7202


Updated On: 12-13-2023


CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


Default software content download job is running successfully with OK status but system status messages on domain manager ITCM Explorer still showing  " Software Contents are XX days old " status.(As shown in below screenshot). 


Client Automation - All supported versions.


The system status message is dependent on CIC job . The message will not go away due to some configuration issues at CIC side. 


1. Check if " Default Software Content download job " showing OK status in System Engine task list. 

2. Check CIC.log from C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\CIC\logs and see if it run with OK status. 


2017-06-13 13:52:52,017 [CCMain] INFO  [] - 

2017-06-13 13:52:52,017 [CCMain] INFO  [] - CIC initial configuration completed

2017-06-13 13:52:52,017 [CCMain] INFO  [] - 

2017-06-13 13:52:52,017 [CCMain] INFO  [] - ****** CIC cycle: 1 started ********* [CIC version: 14.0.0000.0199 (I201603151749D)]

2017-06-13 13:52:52,017 [CCMain] INFO  [] -  

2017-06-13 13:52:52,017 [CCMain] INFO  [] - Cycle 1 completed with status: OK. Elapsed time 1 minutes.

2017-06-13 13:52:52,017 [CCMain] INFO  [] - CIC completed normally


3. Check config.xml has correct SQL server name and application registration. (Location of config.xml file C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\CIC\conf)

For Example : 






































4. Execute the below query on mdb . It will give the result of software content download job last executed. 

SELECT dateadd( ss, last_message_number + datediff(ss,getutcdate(),getdate()), convert(datetime,'19700101'))

FROM ca_acme_checkpoint

WHERE message_version_number=1001 and message_type_uuid=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF


5. Check config.xml <various_control_properties> section. If domain manager has internet connection for downloading the software definitions . Below both setting should be False. 

Example : In below lines you can see offlineimport setting in True . This is the reason for system status message not getting updated even-though the engine job is OK status.  





6. Execute the below query to confirm if enableOfflineImport is set to true . 

select * from ca_cic_manager where name='cic.misc.enableOfflineImport' 


7. Change enableOfflineImport to false by executing below query. 


update ca_cic_manager

set value='false'

where name='cic.misc.enableOfflineImport'


8. Run the below query again to confirm if enableOfflineImport is changed to false. 

select * from ca_cic_manager where name='cic.misc.enableOfflineImport' 


9 . Now run the Default Software Content Download job again and see if System Status message is not getting appeared on successful completion with OK status.