CA Release Automation - Release Operations Center (Nolio)CA Release Automation - DataManagement Server (Nolio)
How to remove releases or deployments via JMX console of Release Automation
In some cases there is a need to remove the release/deployment as an administrative process via JMX console of Data Management Server.
Release Automation: 6.*
Please follow the instruction to remove the releases/deployments using JMX.
Navigate to domain of release center by accessing URL http://<NAC-HOST>:<JMX-PORT>/mbean?objectname=releasecenter%3Atype%3DInfo. You will be prompted for username and password for login. Please use respective JMX username and password in your environment. (Note: you need to replace NAC-HOST and JMX-PORT with NAC hostname/IP and port JMX is running in your environment)
On the page loaded invoke method getAllActiveReleases which will give you all running releases along with Id's. Make note of these release id's and names
Click on back button of browser and come back to page view as a result of step 1. Now invoke the method removeRelease passing in the release-id you want to remove (the same is captured in step 2). This action take single release Id.