After applying Sysview Performance Management Option for Db2 for z/OS (IDB2) maintenance, receive this warning message trying to
obtain Parallelism / Miscellaneous statistics (option 1.6.9 in the IDB2 UI):
DBG55036W Request PRLMISC is not found
Have verified that the PRLMISC request is in hlq.CDBATREQ library, and that library is being correctly allocated in the IDB2 data collector sysparms
member as well as the IDB2 UI INSIGHT clist member. Why is the PRLMISC request not being found?
The cause of the DBG55036W Request PRLMISC is not found message is due to the PRLMISC request not being started.
The problem was corrected by copying over the updated STARTUP member (that now included the start of the PRLMISC request)
from the SMP/E target hlq.CDBASKL0 library to replace the IDB2 data collector runtime hlq.SOURCE STARTUP member.
The data collector was cycled and the DBG55036W Request PRLMISC is not found message was resolved.