Spectrum Online Backup Fault Tolerant Secondary SpectroSERVER failed due to ipv6 address in /etc/hosts
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Spectrum Online Backup Fault Tolerant Secondary SpectroSERVER failed due to ipv6 address in /etc/hosts


Article ID: 7163


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


The Spectrum Online Backup sync process with the secondary SpectroSERVER failed with the following error seen in the $SPECROOT/lib/SDPM/processd_log file on the secondary SpectroSERVER:


Client Name: Fault-Tolerant DB sync 

User Name : spectrum( -1 ) 

Host : 2001:558:1004:e:250:56ff:feb1:1275( 2001:558:1004:e:250:56ff:feb1:1275 ) 

Authorized : Failed host/user security 




Release: a7n0c000000PBNr


In this example, we see the following in the processd_log file on the secondary SpectroSERVER system:

Client Name: Fault-Tolerant DB sync 

User Name : spectrum( -1 ) 

Host : 2001:558:1004:e:250:56ff:feb1:1275( 2001:558:1004:e:250:56ff:feb1:1275 ) 

Authorized : Failed host/user security 


A check of the $SPECROOT/SS/RCPD.OUT file on on the secondary SpectroSERVER system shows the following:

command: RECV 

file: .ft_save_file.SSdb 

rcpd: 0xcafe 

file name: .ft_save_file.SSdb.gz 

file size: 39981004 

compress: 1 

peer host: 2001:558:1004:e:250:56ff:feb1:1275 


From the command line, the system is unable to resolve the ipv6 address shown in the processd_log and RCPD.OUT file to a hostname. 

The ipv6 address is not located in the $SPECROOT/.hostrc file and since the system cannot resolve the ipv6 address to a hostname, it cannot verify this host has $SPECROOT/.hostrc access to the SpectroSERVER system.


In this example, it was found the /etc/hosts file on the secondary SpectroSERVER system did not contain a valid entry for the ipv4 address of the primary SpectroSERVER. Adding a valid ipv4 entry for the primary SpectroSERVER system to the /etc/hosts file on the secondary SpectroSERVER system and ensuring the hostname of the primary SpectroSERVER system was located in the $SPECROOT/.hostrc file on the secondary SpectroSERVER system resolved the issue.