After running the CEMCCONF job, the CUSTOM datasets were created. We printed the AREADME member, but I cannot submit jobs J00179SA and J00180SA as they are. This is a government installation and there are strict security rules in place. The RACF person won't allow me to submit these jobs.
We have the following questions.
- On job J00170SA, he's receiving a warning and a syntax error: IRR52199I Warning: Class name CACEM does not contain a national character nor a national character nor a number. ICH21034I PASSWORD CHANGE REJECTED BY INSTALLATION SYNTAX RULES Password must be 8 characters long for ALTUSER CEMEDBU PASSWORD(DBUPASS) NOEXPIRED.
- We are also receiving an error on job 180SA: ICH14079I RACF detected an error in the dynamic class descriptor table, entry WBEM, error code 08.