When CA Workload Automation DE R12 uses Windows authentication for MS-SQL, the new service pack or patch upgrade may fail to connect to the database.
During the initial install of DE, the installer connects to the SQL database using Local Service account. This creates a machine account or computer account on the SQL database. This can be observed by looking for a login in SQL that will be hostname of DE server and will end with $, e.g. server$.
When applying a service pack, the installer will ask for Windows or SQL authentication. If Windows authentication is selected, then the installer will use the Windows user to connect to the SQL. This can result in failure if the windows user login has not been added to database.
CA Workload Automation DE R12
MS SQL 2008, 2012, 2016
Windows Authentication
To resolve this issue, you can do one the following:
1. Add the user that logged in to Windows and started the DE patch or Service pack to SQL database. This user will need full privileges to the database (db_owner).
2. Use SQL authentication when applying the patch. Provide a SQL username and password that has full access to the database used by DE.