Maileater attachment requests are causing an error
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Maileater attachment requests are causing an error


Article ID: 71415


Updated On: 11-07-2023


SUPPORT AUTOMATION- SERVER CA Service Desk Manager - Unified Self Service CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


Maileater functionality errors regarding attachments handling.  May experience the following errors in the logs

02/01 10:18:40.21 SERVER1     pdm_proctor_nxd      8464 SIGNIFICANT  STDIO                    0 Use of uninitialized value $lbl in hash element at D:/PROGRA~1/CA/SERVIC~1/bin/ line 974.

02/01 10:18:40.40 SERVER1     spelsrvr             3884 ERROR        text_api.spl           365 tapi_add_attachment() Unable to locate repository. Cannot add attachments.

Conventional attachments functionality is working overall.


Release: CA Service desk manager 17.x.


Mailbox settings need to be configured to accept the correct attachments configuration


Missing mailbox configuration for attachments. One configuration for attachments that may address the issue involves checking on "Force Attachment Splitout"