Project keeps locked status after closing it in Gantt
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Project keeps locked status after closing it in Gantt


Article ID: 71351


Updated On: 10-30-2023


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


One user finds his project locked every time he closes the Gantt and gets back to Clarity.
Other users can open the project in Gantt and do not find the project locked when they get back to the project in Clarity.
What can cause the project to remain locked for a specific user even after closing the Gantt?


Release: All Supported
Component: Clarity Project Management


When you do a tentative change in Gantt, the PRJ_GANTT_EDITS table is populated. After saving or discarding the changes, the table record gets cleared out. On rare occasions, the record might remain corrupted on the table.


Please run the following select statement:
select * from PRJ_GANTT_EDITS where project_id = XXXXX (This is the internal project ID you see in the Clarity URL when opening a project)

This shows pending edits in Gantt for the affected project and also who is the user who did the tentative edit.

There are several tables involved here:

select * from PRJ_GANTT_EDITS where project_id = XXXXX
select * from PRJ_TENTATIVE_PROJECTS where project_id = XXXXX
select * from PRJ_TENTATIVE_SCHEDULES where project_id = XXXXX
select * from Prj_tentative_tasks where project_id = XXXXX
select * from Prj_tentative_assignments where tentative_schedule_id = YYYYY (This being the tentative_id/tentative_schedule_id on the queries above)

Once a tentative schedule is published or discarded the data on the tables above should drop. 

If orphan records are left behind, you will see a project Gantt locked and without options to work on it.

If so, they might need to be deleted from the DB.


Additional Information

See also Locked Projects - Known KBs/Issues