Error when trying to stop the SpectroSERVER process on Linux using the Spectrum Control Panel or the $SPECROOT/bin/ script as the user that owns the Spectrum installation.
When trying to stop the SpectroSERVER using the Spectrum Control Panel, the following error is seen:
When trying to stop the SpectroSERVER using the $SPECROOT/bin/ script, the following error is seen:
Error stopping SpectroSERVER
Release: any Spectrum release
The SpectroSERVER process was started using a user other than the user that owns the Spectrum installation.
The SpectroSERVER processes should be started and stopped using the user that owns the Spectrum installation.
To resolve this issue:
1. Log into the system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation
2. Run the follow command to find out which user started the SpectroSERVER process:
ps -ef | grep SpectroSERVER
The following is a sample of the output that shows the root user was the user that started the SpectroSERVER process:
[spectrum@spectrum bin]$ ps -ef | grep SpectroSERVER
root 26447 27439 1 12:09 ? 00:00:16 /app/spectrum/SS/SpectroSERVER
3. Login as or su to the user that started the SpectroSERVER and shutdown the SpectroSERVER
4. cd to the $SPECROOT/SS directory and check the file permissions on the files. ALL of the files in the $SPECROOT/SS directory with the exception of the SpectroSERVER binary file should be owned by the user that owns the Spectrum installation. Change the user and group ownership of the files to reflect the username and group of the user that owns the Spectrum installation
5. Start the SpectroSERVER process as the user that owns the Spectrum installation