EZA1787W Not authorized to access requested local file.
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EZA1787W Not authorized to access requested local file.


Article ID: 7130


Updated On: 09-08-2022


RC Compare for DB2 for z/OS Database Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS Fast Unload for DB2 for z/OS Fast Check for DB2 for z/OS Fast Index for DB2 for z/OS Rapid Reorg for DB2 for z/OS OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation SYSVIEW Performance Management


While trying to download R19 Base user received the following message: "Not authorized to access requested local file" as displayed below:

 331 Please specify the password. 

EZA1701I >>> PASS 

230 Login successful. 

EZA1460I Command: 

EZA1736I cd /ftp/orders/195572/12266461/ 

EZA1701I >>> CWD /ftp/orders/195572/12266461/ 

250 Directory successfully changed. 

EZA1460I Command: 

EZA1736I binary 

EZA1701I >>> TYPE I 

200 Switching to Binary mode. 

EZA1460I Command: 

EZA1736I get DVD11095936GR.pax.Z /cainst/DVD11095936GR.pax.Z 

EZA1787W Not authorized to access requested local file. 

EZA1460I Command: 

EZA1736I quit 

EZA1701I >>> QUIT 

221 Goodbye.


Component: COMDB2

Could be applicable to most Broadcom Mainframe products at any currently support release level.


Write access to the z/OS USS Directory where the PAX file will be copied is required for the user downloading the file.