Got an issue while starting the new CEESERVR STC for Mainframe Application Tuner (MAT) 11.0.
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Got an issue while starting the new CEESERVR STC for Mainframe Application Tuner (MAT) 11.0.


Article ID: 7120


Updated On:


Mainframe Application Tuner


We are getting an issue while starting the new CEESERVR STC for Mainframe Application Tuner (MAT) 11.0.

When it starts it is pointing to Port 3480 and we have set on the UTRPARM(CEESOPTS) MATSERVERPORT="51914".


Component: MATUNE


In the log there was:

 JVMJZBL1006I IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS = -Xms64m -Xmx4096m -Xcompressedrefs -Dfile.enco 
tomcat -Dcatalina.home=/REL13/MAT
.dirs=/REL13/MAT/common/endorsed -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.Cl

Recommendations were:

It looks like a configuration/installation issue. 

We do not use the UTRPARM(CEESOPTS) in version 11. You should not have it there. I am assuming you are having the GA version -not one of the increments. 

Basically what I would do the first thing is to look that the deploy script you've used to deploy the server contains the correct port (PORT=51914) and that you did not  redirect it anywhere in the MAT GUI server job. 

If you find that any of these was the problem, you can try and rerun the deploy script and the mactconf script- both in UTRSAMP (please do not forget to bring the GUI AND the MAT server while you're doing it). 

If you have the right port in the deploy script, than there is a chance that something went wrong during the installation of the version 11. As I mentioned- the CEESUOPT is not supposed to be there, so if you just tried to create a new configuration on top of the version 10 SMPE, it would not work, and you might need to make a clean installation of the GUI.