We were trying to configure MAT support for Java. As customer is migrating from CICS TS 4.2 to CICS TS 5.3 and also uses Java 8 64 bits I downloaded the incremental files and installed it in customer's Mainframe Application Tuner (MAT).
After that we followed the steps described for Java customization but when executing the command
# java -agentlib:/jvmjti_path/tnuljtix64 application.main.class
We got this messages.
JVMJ9TI001E Agent library /jvmjti_path/tnuljtix64 could not be opened (EDC5205S DLL module not found.)
JVMJ9VM015W Initialization error for library j9jvmti28(-3): JVMJ9VM009E J9VMDllMain failed
Unfortunately we couldn't find any documentation about that.
Instead of following the instructions in step 4 of TRCUST, we suggest you follow the instructions located in Broadcom TechDocs.