UFO SC21 screen compilation errors with updated application moved to another CICS
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UFO SC21 screen compilation errors with updated application moved to another CICS


Article ID: 70659


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After an updated UFO application was moved from the test to production CICS region using the OXEXPORT and OXIMPORT utilities, several SC21 errors occur when attempt to run the application.

  SCREEN COMPILATION ERROR DIAGNOSTICS  SC21 W DDS= ddsname; Line#= linenumber; Fld= fieldname cannot be found

An edit of application DD shows that the screen fields do exist.

What is causing SC21 screen compilation errors when try to run an updated UFO application which was moved from another CICS region?


Release: Any 
Component:  UFO


The SC21 error may be occurring because the old application component is still in memory or resides in the CA UFO Stage file. If so, the component will need to be refreshed by forcing compilation.

To force compilation, do any of the following:

  1. Do a UFO NEW copy of the application DDs.

  2. Or, edit the component and "dummy update" (overtype something in the DD then hit pf1 to update). Updating the DD will make any prior version in memory or in the Stage file become obsolete. Be sure to update the primary DD if there are multiple, continued DDs.

  3. Or, delete the individual components manually from the Stage file.
    Using UFOSTAGE, enter "I" in the "ST" (status) column and press pf1 to update. This will delete that component.

  4. Or, delete the Stage file.

NOTE: This will force UFO to compile any application that was previously compiled and staged the next time it is requested for execution.