Why is a report in CAView remaining in the database beyond the NGEND or NGENT setting in the SAR initialization parameter?
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Why is a report in CAView remaining in the database beyond the NGEND or NGENT setting in the SAR initialization parameter?


Article ID: 70655


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Why is a report in CAView remaining in the database beyond the NGEND or NGENT setting in the SAR initialization parameter?




NGEND refers to how many generations of the report will be retained on disk.
NGENT refers to how many generations of the report will be retained on tape.

There are two types or report retention used by CAView, standard retention or extended retention option (ERO) which is available as an optional feature.
If the SAR initialization parameter EROOPT=YES, this indicates you are using ERO. If a specific report is defined in the ERO table, the retention specified there is used otherwise the standard retention is used. Your ERO table is pointed to by the SARPATAB DD statement in the CA VIEW started task jcl.

If your report remains in CAView longer than the standard retention, check the SAR initialization parameter DAYS=,  this parameter specifies a string of seven characters with each character corresponding to one day of the week from Monday through Sunday. Each character is specified as either Y or N. A Y specifies that the backup cycle can be automatically initiated by CA on that day of the week. A generation is created at each standard backup cycle, so if a backup cycle is not run 7 days a week, it may appear that reports are kept longer than expected if you use calendar days rather than generations to verify retention.  


Additional Information

See further information on ERO at https://docops.ca.com