When installing CA IDMS Web Services, is a unique port required?
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When installing CA IDMS Web Services, is a unique port required?


Article ID: 70381


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IDMS IDMS - Database


When installing CA IDMS v19.0 Web Services, is a unique port required?




Release: 19.0 or any fully supported release
Component: IDMS


The installation process of Web Services will automatically update the sysgen definition with a new ”listener” pterm/lterm pair that is devoted to Web Services, called TCPWSRV. It will also add programs RHDCNP3W & the IDMSWSRV to the current system definition. 

Each distinct “listener" pterm/lterm definition requires a unique port number. Because the Web Services is delivered with its own “listener” definitions, those must be modified to specify a unique port number for Web services use. The port-number/host-name (or IP address) combination must be unique across the LPAR. This means that a port assigned to a listener pterm cannot be shared across CVs within the same LPAR. 

Additional Information

More information about Web Services can be found on the CA Documentation website at this URL:
