Jaspersoft login page error "HTTP Status 404" when account is locked
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Jaspersoft login page error "HTTP Status 404" when account is locked


Article ID: 7037


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CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


When opening the URL for the Jaspersoft login page, the below error is presented:

HTTP Status 404 - /jasperserver-pro/login.html

type Status Report

message /jasperserver-pro/login.html

The requested resource is not available

Checking the jasperserver.log files, there are several messages as below (in this case Oracle database is referred to, but it might happen for other RDBMS).

ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter,localhost-startStop-2:101 - Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory ([TibcoSoftwareInc][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-28000: the account is locked


Clarity Service Management 17.2


The Jaspersoft account to connect to the database has been locked.


Reset the password in both the RDBMS used (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS-SQL, Oracle) and in Jasper Server application.

Below process documents an example of Oracle database and Jaspersoft database user named as "admjasper".

  1. Stop Jasper Server
  2. Make sure you can log in to Oracle with that user "admjasper"
  3. If not, reset the password on the database user account
  4. Make sure the same database user password is defined in context.xml file located, for example, under:

    "..\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0\webapps\jasperserver-pro\META-INF"

  5. Open the file with a text editor:
  6. Replace the details on the connection, enter the pwd in non-encrypted way for Oracle, save and restart Jaspersoft. 

       username="admjasper" password="ENC-a14dc8cb4fd2d728f344ff9ed6bc84ac6a9761d5c8600ea64d3a08a8bcb39b8a-" 


       username="admjasper" password="<type password in plain-text here>"

  7. Restart Jasper 

Additional Information

How to change the password for jasperdb