Which Libraries are needed in the CICS startup JCL to run CA Report Facility CICS option?.
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Which Libraries are needed in the CICS startup JCL to run CA Report Facility CICS option?.


Article ID: 70099


Updated On:


Report Facility


Does CDBALOAD Library as well as CDBACICS Library have to be in the CICS startup JCL?.


Component: BIPRF


The CDBACICS Library goes in the DFHRPL.

Note the following from Installation Guide manual in 'Sensitive Utilities and Programs' section.

Contains CA Report Facility load modules. You must place the PIEFILM module in
the STEPLIB of the CICS region for CA Report Facility for CICS. This STEPLIB must
be APF-authorized.

Either the CDBALOAD Library or the CDBACICS Library can be included in STEPLIB because the PIEFILM module is the same in both CDBALOAD and CDBACICS Libraries.  PIEFILM is the I/O subtask module and is not CICS specific for processing. It is the same in all of the CA Report Facility environments.