EDT00003 Entity Type Not Valid for the current Dialog
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EDT00003 Entity Type Not Valid for the current Dialog


Article ID: 6998


Updated On:




After applying Repository maintenance the following error is being received when trying to access various Dialog and Entity type combinations.

For example, trying to access the PSB entity in the IMS Dialog returns the following error:


The entity type PSB is not valid for the current dialog IMS.



Release: DATASH00200-7.2-Repository-Webstation Option


Access the Repository installation menu by issuing TSO DBXINST from the repository command line or your custom clist if implemented.

At the main installation menu select Option #13 for Upgrade Menu.   Then select Option #5 for Load.

Set all of the Control Table switches to Y and the Current Contents parm to 'A' for Add. 

For example,

   Load control tables...                                

        DIALOGs? ===> Y    CODE TABLEs? ===> Y           

        ENTITYs? ===> Y        IO MAPs? ===> Y           

       MESSAGEs? ===> Y       COMMANDs? ===> Y           


    Set SQLID to? ===>                                   

Current Contents? ===> A (A-add,R-replace,P-new products)

  Edit or Submit? ===> E (E-edit,S-submit)               

     Save Output? ===> N (Y-yes,N-no)                    


Generate the JCL and submit the job.   Expected CC <=4.   

Upon completion of the load job, log completely out of the repository and then log back in.

Try the Dialog and Entity type combination again.