No valid event code at start of line 2917 of event disposition file ./CsVendor/Cisco_Router/EventDisp
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No valid event code at start of line 2917 of event disposition file ./CsVendor/Cisco_Router/EventDisp


Article ID: 6976


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


The following error message is seen in the file specified by the "event_disp_error_file" parameter in the $SPECROOT/SS/.vnmrc file when updating the Event Configuration:

Error message during updating event files; 


No valid event code at start of line 2917 of event disposition file ./CsVendor/Cisco_Router/EventDisp 


DX NetOps Spectrum all Releases


There is an empty line on line number 3791 that is causing this issue. See screen shoot below highlighting the empty line:


Remove the empty line on line number 3791 and then when the events are reloaded the error is no longer seen. 

The steps are as follows:

  1. Edit the $SPECROOT/SS/CsVendor/Cisco_Router/EventDisp
  2. Remove the empty line on line number 3791

  3. In the OneClick GUI:
    a. Go to the VNM Icon in the Universe View

    b. Select the VNM icon

    c.In the Component Details Information tab, expand the SpectroSERVER Control Folder

    d. Click on the update Event Configuration button

Once this is complete the above error should no longer occur.