CA Spectrum "Failed to connect to CORBA Naming Service" error after reboot and the nameserv process does not start.
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CA Spectrum "Failed to connect to CORBA Naming Service" error after reboot and the nameserv process does not start.


Article ID: 6956


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


The following error is seen in the VNM.OUT and the SpectroSERVER will not start:

ERROR TRACE at Failed to connect to CORBA Naming Service on corbaloc::<SS_hostname>:14006/NameService, will retry in 5 seconds

If you then view the $SPECROOT/bin/VBNS/NAMINGSERVICE.OUT the following error shows:

 ExtFactory fails! 

org.omg.CORBA.INITIALIZE: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: vbsec64.Init  vmcid: 0x0  minor code: 0  completed: No

    at com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORB.installServiceCollection(Unknown Source)

    at com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORB.installServices(Unknown Source)

    at com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORB.initialize(Unknown Source)

    at com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORB.set_parameters(Unknown Source)

    at org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init(

    at com.inprise.vbroker.naming.ExtFactory.main(Unknown Source) 

this entry is in the .corbarc but not the .jcorbarc:  vbroker.orb.dynamicLibs=vbsec64 






Release: All Supported Releases
Component: SPCCSS - SpectroSERVER Core


The problem is due to an incorrect reference in the <SPECROOT>/bin/SDPM/NAMINGSERVICE.idb file


The solution is to change the last ARGV entry in the <SPECROOT>/bin/SDPM/NAMINGSERVICE.idb file for the DORBpropStorage parameter from .corbard to .jcorbarc:


To be:



Stop and restart processd for the change to take effect.