Unable to connect to CLI
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Unable to connect to CLI


Article ID: 6950


Updated On: 10-19-2023


CA Spectrum


When connecting via vnmsh in the SpectroSERVER, the below error is observed:


All versions of Spectrum running on any supported platform.


The following are reasons for this error message:

1. The SpectroSERVER process is not running

2. You are logged into the system as a user that does not have an associated Spectrum user model

3. The SpectroSERVER is not responding in a timely manner

4. The running VnmSH process is stale


1. Ensure the SpectroSERVER process is up and running

2. Ensure you are logged into the system as a user that has an associated Spectrum user model. Best practice is to log into the system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation. Also, if on Windows, Spectrum is case sensitive. So if the Spectrum user is "Spectrum", make sure to log into the system as "Spectrum" and not "spectrum" or "SPECTRUM".

3. By default the connection will only wait for 1000 ms (1 second). This can be changed by modifying the connect_time_limit parameter in the $SPECROOT/vnmsh/.vnmshrc file. After changing the value, please kill the running VnmShd process and reconnect.  

4. Kill the running VnmShd process and reconnect