Upload replication task hanging at Table: urc_computer_addr.
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Upload replication task hanging at Table: urc_computer_addr.


Article ID: 6855


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


Domain Manager Replication to Enterprise Manager.

On Domain Manager, system engine upload replication task showing problem with urc_computer_addr. As shown in below screenshot.

Checking SystemEngine log shows below error:


|ERROR  | Exec command pointer failed
|ERROR  | GetActionOnError: MS SQL dbErrCat=-3, dbDetailedError=-7, errorInfo=ADO Version 6.1 - ExecuteCommandPointer  -COM Error: ErrorCode:-2147217900,WordErrorCode:3092, IDispatch error #3092, Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded (limit 32)., Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0, (null)
|ERROR  | SetIntermediateStatus1: Upload: Connection to Enterprise Database lost - Job aborted
|ERROR  | DoTableUpdate - Failed to Update rc=[-3] sql=[update urc_computer_addr set domain_uuid=?,computer_uuid=?,protocol=1,flags=0,strAddress=? where  uuid=0x116C233FBE5AB64D8B8F0A4C0F4473C9]
|ERROR  | SetIntermediateStatus1: Upload: Replication failed during updating stage
|NOTIFY | urc_computer_addr 0 records select 0 sec - update/insert 0 sec - createobjectmap 0 sec - usedbybatch 0 sec - usedbyexist 0 sec - usedbyCORA  0 sec
|ERROR  | DoTableUpdate - Chunk processed failed - tablename=urc_computer_addr, count=1, inserted=0, failed=1
|ERROR  | SetIntermediateStatus1: Upload: A database error was encountered
|ERROR  | Fewer records were updated than expected for table: urc_computer_addr. Expected to update: 6407, actually updated: 0
|ERROR  | SetIntermediateStatus1: Upload: Replication failed during updating stage
|ERROR  | cReplicationJob::Run() - DB reconnected: retry [326]


Client Automation - All versions


1. There seems to be error with table urc_computer_addr while upload replication task sending records related to this table. 

Please Execute below SQL query on domain manager MDB.  

update ca_replication_status set modified_status=0x0 where 

replication_conf_uuid in ( select replication_conf_uuid from 

ca_replication_conf where direction != -1 and table_name='urc_computer_addr') 

 Run the upload replication again.

If problem still not resolved by above query, try the following. 

2. Stop the upload replication again. 

Run below queries on SQL mdb. 

use mdb 

select max(auto_rep_version) from urc_computer_addr 

Take a the results of the query above and copy of it and use it in the next query. 

use mdb 

update ca_replication_status set modified_status = XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 

where replication_conf_uuid in (select replication_conf_uuid from ca_replication_conf where table_name = 'urc_computer_addr' and direction = 50000) 

Above will resolve the issue in most cases. Open a case with CA Support if above mentioned queries does not resolve the issue.