Flow Forensics reports stuck 'Executing' or 'Queued'
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Flow Forensics reports stuck 'Executing' or 'Queued'


Article ID: 6740


Updated On:


CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


Flow Forensics Reports will enter 'Executing' status or queued, but they don't ever complete.


You may see the message below in the Report Service log:
Report Service: Asynchronous Report limit hit


NFA  Any Version


The NetQos NQMySQL service on the Harvester hangs.  As data is stored on the harvester, the report is unable to complete communication with the database.



1. Log into the Harvester(s).

2. Open Services and stop the NetQoS NQMySql service.  It will probably not be able to stop the service as it is hung.  You may need to locate the correct Mysqld.exe process in task manager and kill it. There is no need to stop the CA MySql service, just the "NQMySql" service.

On Linux the corresponding serivice is called  nfa_mysqlCSE. You can stop/restart this on Linux with:

service nfa_mysqlCSE stop

service nfa_mysqlCSE start

3. Make sure that the service is running.


4. Run the Flow Forensics report again.

Additional Information

If this does not resolve the issue for you, please contact support.