The "CA Directory xxxx-impd-main" service is not starting, causing the Provisioning Server service unable to start too.
Looking at the "xxxx-impd-main_trace.log file, located under folder:
In Windows: %DXHOME%\logs
In Linux: $DXHOME/logs
there is the following message:
? [0] 20170515.113227.065 WARN : 'clear schema;' has been disabled as it is not required
? [0] 20170515.113227.487 WARN : max-local-ops has no effect
? [0] 20170515.113227.721 WARN : Loading cache
? [0] 20170515.113228.409 WARN : Datastore was created at: 20151210222653Z
? [0] 20170515.113228.409 WARN : Datastore was created for: XXXXXXXX-impd-main
* [0] 20170515.113228.768 Assertion failed (r:/
* [0] 20170515.113228.768 DSA_E1280 Error in initialization files
* [0] 20170515.113228.768 DSA_I1240 DSA shutting down
It can be caused by stopping CA Directory services unexpectedly, force shutdown or power outage.
From Node which is working:
1. Edit the file XXXXXXXX-impd-main.dxc located under
2. Uncomment the lines:
# console-port = 20395
# console-password = "{encoding-method}password-hash"
3. From command line, run the command to create the password hash
dxpassword YourPassword
4. Copy the hash, two lines, and change the line as follow
console-port = 20395
console-password = "HASH_From_dxpassword"
5. Run the command to re-load this configuration file
dxserver init XXXXXXXX-impd-main
Where: XXXXXXXX is the hostname of node which DSA is running ok
6. Run the telnet command to connect to DSA
telnet localhost 20395
7. Inform the password you type at step #3
8. Run the command below
dump dxgrid-db;
After, it is complete, type "logout;" to logout, without quotes
9. The new file was generated under folder:
10. Copy the XXXXXXXX-impd-main.zdb to the problematic node, under the same folder
From Problematic node machine:
1. In the X:\...\CA\Directory\dxserver\data\XXXXXXXX-impd-main
2. Rename or move the existing XXXXXXXX-impd-main.db file
3. Delete the file XXXXXXXX-impd-main.tx it will be create when DSA starts
4. Rename the XXXXXXXX-impd-main.zdb to XXXXXXXX-impd-main.db
5. Start DSA
dxserver start XXXXXXXX-impd-main
After that disable the access via Console by comment out the lines below in the file XXXXXXXX-impd-main.dxc
console-port = 20395
console-password = "HASH_From_dxpassword"