Alerts are crashing the reaper service. Reaper service crashes and won't restart.
Anytime that an alert is edited in the console, the alerts deploy and entries are created in the harvester.trap_definitions table for each alert/interface in the reporter.trap_definitions table. Within seconds of the alerts deploying, the reaper crashes again.
Viewed the harvester.paramater_descriptions table and there are two parameters there that were both enabled.
RealtimeReaper_RunAlarms = 1
Reaper_RunAlarms = 1
Verified on other servers and it was consistent that only the Reaper_RunAlarms = 1 was enabled.
Disabled the one on the customer’s site and the Reaper service stopped crashing.
We modified an existing alarm and created another new alarm.
They all sent alarms and emails with no problems.
RDP to the Harvester server(s) and do the the following.
Open a windows command prompt.
mysql harvester
create table parameter_descriptions_BK (select * from parameter_descriptions);
update parameter_descriptions set DefaultValue="0" where Parameter="RealtimeReaper_RunAlarms";
update parameter_descriptions set DefaultValue="1" where Parameter="Reaper_RunAlarms";
Restart "CA MySql" service.
Test the alerts.
Reference case #00729685