In the MSP, Unable to Save changes to the Project Calendar
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In the MSP, Unable to Save changes to the Project Calendar


Article ID: 6609


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


In the MSP, Unable to Save changes to the Project Calendar.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a new project in Clarity
  2. Export the project to MSP
  3. Click on the 'Project' tab and then click 'Change Working Time'
  4. Create an Exception for the calendar (in this example, under 'Exceptions' create an exception with Start of 4/3/17 and Finish of 4/3/17 (You will now see 4/3/17 highlighted as a day off on the calendar)
  5. Click OK
  6. Save the project back to Clarity and then open it back in MSP
  7. Navigate back to the Change Working Time window and observe the results:

Expected Results: The exception added (4/3/17 in this example) is still shown

Actual Results: The exception is no longer displayed


Any supported Clarity release.


This is working as designed.


This is working as designed as the concept of a project calendar does not exist in Clarity. Clarity uses the Standard calendar for the majority of its scheduling (when the autoschedule job is run). Also, Clarity is a resource based scheduler, so the calendars used in scheduling are only the ones that are associated to resources on that project team. These changes were made to the new driver in order to align the MSP Interface functionality with the way Clarity works.

To workaround this behavior:

1. Edit calendar at the resource level:

  • In Clarity, go to Home->Resources
  • Click on the Resource
  • Click on the 'Calendar' tab
  • Check the check box next to the days you would like to mark as Non Working days, then click the 'Make Non Work-Day' button 

2. To make a change for multiple resources at the same time, you can create a calendar on the admin side and set the Non Work-Day exceptions there:

  • In Clarity, go to Administration->Project Management->Base Calendars
  • Click 'New'
  • Enter a name for the Calendar and click 'Save'
  • Go to the 'Edit Calendar Exceptions' tab
  • Check the check box next to the days you would like to mark as Non Working days, then click the 'Make Non Work-Day' button 
  • Then, navigate to the Resource's Calendar tab and change their calendar to the Calendar created above:
    • In Clarity, go to Home->Resources
    • Click on the Resource
    • Click on the Calendar tab
    • Click the Browse icon next to Base Calendar
    • Select the new calendar created and click 'Add'
    • Click 'Save'