When an alarm is set or cleared the pcause alarm information is not passed but instead you get a:
"SPC-SAN-20041: No Associated Text" error.
This is caused by the pcause file not being present in both the SpectroServer and the OneClick and your files under $SPECROOT/custom/Events/CsEvFormat directory are also not synched up on both OneClick Server and SpectroSERVER.
Check if this file exists on Spectroserver/custom/Events/CSPcause directory. If yes, copy this file from Spectroserver to Oneclick server -> $SPECROOT/custom/Events/CsPcause directory.
The Pcause file should exist on Oneclick server to display the alarm details in Oneclick console.
In addition, please make sure all files under $SPECROOT/custom/Events/CsEvFormat directory are also synched up on both OneClick Server and SpectroSERVER.
If you have made sure the files are there but the problem is persisted, please restart your AlarmNotifier executable and also Tomcat (OneClick Server).