In the DE Web Client main page, the ALIAS field is not auto-populated
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In the DE Web Client main page, the ALIAS field is not auto-populated


Article ID: 6542


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CA Workload Automation DE CA Workload Automation DE - Scheduler (dSeries) DSERIES- SERVER


Having installed the CA Workload Automation DE R12 SPx Web client component successfully, when accessing the URL, the ALIAS fieled on the web page is getting auto-populated. There is also no OTHER option in the drop-down to select.


CA Workload Automation DE R12 SPx Web Client ON ANY platform


Check the README file located in the under the WADEWebClient_R12_* directory, and copy the URL in the README file to launch the Web Client.

Here is an example from a Web Client r12 SP2:

# pwd

# cat README 


URL to access DE Web UI is 


If you want to access DE Web UI using any other alias names such as localhost or ip address or with domain name, access the above URL first with a valid login. Only after you authenticate the logic of WEB UI using the above url, you can use URLs with alias name. If you miss this step and access the URL using alias name first, you will encounter an error "The login service is not available at the moment."