USM generates an unknown error when I use the USM Discovery Application feature
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USM generates an unknown error when I use the USM Discovery Application feature


Article ID: 6522


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


The USM generates an unknown error when I use the Discovery Application feature


An unknown error has occurred. 

Refreshing your browser may resolve the issue. 

(4) not found, Received status (4) on response (for sendRcv) for cmd = 'nametoip' name = 'nis_server' 



UIM 8.5.1


The new USM Application discovery feature needs the latest version of nis_server 8.51. It has been noticed in some cases that the nis_server version is not upgraded correctly from previous UMP/UIM versions. 


•  If the version of the nis_server is not 8.51 deploy the 8.51 version from the archive, then restart the wasp running the UMP and try again using Discovery Application.


•  If the above doesn't work, and If the current version looks like the correct one try redeploying the correct nis_server version using the following steps:


1. Deactivate  the wasp that runs the UMP, and deactivate the nis_server 

2. In the IM archive delete any existing version of the nis_server probe.

3. From the containing the 8.5.1 packages drag and drop the package to the IM archive

4. Redeploy the nis_probe on the UIM server 

5. deploy the latest ump_usm

6. redeploy wasp probe 

7. activate the nis_server

8. activate the wasp.


Check again


Additional Information

Use Application Discovery Documentation: 


1558714714339000006522_sktwi1f5rjvs16tjd.jpeg get_app