MME0270S - Action completed with an error. Action: getgrnam_r Error code: 163 EDC5163I SAF/RACF extract error. Reason code: 0xB370800 Info: group name: XYWRNG
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MME0270S - Action completed with an error. Action: getgrnam_r Error code: 163 EDC5163I SAF/RACF extract error. Reason code: 0xB370800 Info: group name: XYWRNG


Article ID: 6503


Updated On: 02-14-2018


Data Content Discovery Mainframe Software Manager (Chorus Software Manager)


Client reports that while installing Data Content Discovery V2.0.0 he receives the following errors:

Creation of directory /SYSTEM1A/Service/OEM/DCD/V2.0.0/CA failed. Reason: Group is not defined. 

Attached Internal Log:

MME0270S - Action completed with an error. Action: getgrnam_r Error code: 163
EDC5163I SAF/RACF extract error. Reason code: 0xB370800  Info: group name: XYWRNG

The following RACF message is observed in the MSMTC (Tomcat ) joblog:

14.36.13 STC00000  ICH408I USER(USERID    ) GROUP(G0509915) NAME(SYSPROG, DANNY )
   273               CL(FSOBJ   )                                            
   273               INSUFFICIENT AUTHORITY TO MOUNTSETUID                   
   273               EFFECTIVE UID(0000818472)  EFFECTIVE GID(0000000900)


Any supported release of CSM/MSM and z/OS.


The problem is due to providing an invalid group id / GID to the product base installation wizard. Note this behavior can occur with any product that creates a USS file system and an invalid group is provided.


Provide a valid group ID. Client asks how does he determine his group id. There are several ways:


1) Check your OMVS segment of your security record.

2) Issue the OMVS command 'id' :

 $ id                                                         
uid=973(USERID1) gid=8(SYSPROGS) groups=1(OMVSGRP),84(INSTSGRP)


3) Use the OMVS command ls -E in a directory for which you own:

$ ls -E                                                                
total 60296                                                            
-rw-rw----  --s-  1 USERID1  OMVSGRP  555765 Feb  4  2016 myfile.dat  


     The 5th column is the group ID.


Once a valid group ID is provided the install proceeds as designed.

Additional Information

As with a non-CSM install the installer needs to have the BPX permissions to create and mount a file system.