Workflow Error post Activation
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Workflow Error post Activation


Article ID: 6481


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CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


After enabling Workflow in CA Identity Manager we have the following error message in Application Server:


16:07:47,259 ERROR [com.workpoint.server.pojo.UniqueIDUpdatePvtBean] (http-/ getNextTableIDSql() cannot find row in WP_INI table for SECTION_NAME='Database' and KEY_NAME='ID', so cannot construct TableID. 

16:07:47,259 ERROR [com.workpoint.server.UniqueIDMap] (http-/ Exception caught while obtaining a new ID: java.lang.NullPointerException 

at com.workpoint.server.UniqueIDMap.getNewCache(Unknown Source) [iam_im_wpServer.jar:] 

at com.workpoint.server.UniqueIDMap.verifyID(Unknown Source) [iam_im_wpServer.jar:] 

at Source) [iam_im_wpServer.jar:] 


CA Identity Manager 14.x


During the CA Identity Manager startup, the Workflow database was not populated correctly


1. Stop CA Identity Manager (IdM) service ( JBoss/WildFly, Websphere or Weblogic)

2. Backup your IdM database ( Oracle or SQL Server) 

3. Run the scripts "wp_dropfk.sql", "wp_droppk.sql", and "wp_drop_tables.sql" script to drop all Workpoint tables 

4. Start IdM service which will re-create all WP tables and populate them. 


About step 3, you can find the scripts under: 

X:\...\IAM Suite\Identity Manager\tools\Workpoint\database\


Note: DBA must run the script with the user with DROP permission 

Additional Information

Note: If you are using Workflow already, and you have data and jobs pending of approval/rejection, these steps will delete all data and jobs pending approval/rejection.