Our MICS Monthly job was accidentally submitted twice.
The 1st monthly ran successfully
Scheduling submitted a second one and then cancelled
Accounting and Chargeback is active
2nd monthly caused the accounting data to be missing for the unit
Component: MICS-Resource Management-Accounting and Chargeback
If the second MONTHLY was cancelled after the MONTH199 step:
Suspend Daily Processing
Restore the database files
Modify the RESTORE JCL to point to prefix.MBACKUP datasets instead of prefix.BACKUP
Submit the RESTORE job
Uncatalog the new GDGs created in MONTH199 of the second MONTHLY
Rerun FINRECAP job and continue month end processing
Additional Information
The MONTHLY does not affect the TABLES dataset (CLOSETBL ages the TABLES files); therefore, there is no need to rerun any debit or external file updates or the CLOSETBL job.