MICS Monthly Submitted Twice
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MICS Monthly Submitted Twice


Article ID: 6449


Updated On:


MICS Resource Management


Our MICS Monthly job was accidentally submitted twice.  

  • The 1st monthly ran successfully
  • Scheduling submitted a second one and then cancelled
  • Accounting and Chargeback is active
  • 2nd monthly caused the accounting data to be missing for the unit


Release: MICSAC00200-12.9-MICS-Resource Management-Accounting and Chargeback Opt


If the second MONTHLY was cancelled after the MONTH199 step:

  • Suspend Daily Processing
  • Restore the database files
    • Modify the RESTORE JCL  to point to prefix.MBACKUP datasets instead of prefix.BACKUP
    • Submit the RESTORE job
  • Uncatalog the new GDGs created in MONTH199 of the second MONTHLY
  • Rerun FINRECAP job and continue month end processing

Additional Information

The MONTHLY does not affect the TABLES dataset (CLOSETBL ages the TABLES files); therefore, there is no need to rerun any debit or external file updates or the CLOSETBL job.