When trying to start a CA Automation Point Service from the Configuration Manager -> Expert Interface -> Infrastructure -> Services panel the following error message can be seeing
CapSvcs::StartASOService -> Function = 'ControlService' failed with error code '1062'
Reason = The Service has not been started.
Failed to start service = 'CA Automation Point Service name'
The MS Windows Server has not been setup to use short names (8,3 names).
Determine if you are setup to use short names (8,3 names) for the directories CA Automation Point was installed. If you find you are not, which is something we believe based on the function error code, then proceed to follow these steps:
Enter in MS Windows Safe Mode on the Server, and then issue the following commands at the root of the drive where the product was installed:
(1) fsutil 8dot3name set APDriveLetter: 0
(2) fsutil file setshortname "Program Files" Progra~1
(3) fsutil file setshortname "Program Files (x86)" Progra~2
The APDriveLetter is the MS Windows assigned drive letter where CA Automation Point was installed. The short names that you select, e.g. Progra~1 and Progra~2 for Program Files and Program Files (x86) directories, respectively, are arbitrary, but you must use a name without spaces as the product resolves files within these directories using these short names.
You also need to create short names for each directory whose names has spaces in all sub directories of these two parent directories. These short names are also arbitrary, but may not contain any spaces. Once this is all done proceed to reboot the Server and retry to start the affected Service.
If above steps does not help then set the registry setting for NftsDisable8dot3NameCreation from 2 to 0. Proceed to uninstall the product on the Server saving first all the configuration files. Then reboot the Server. Next reinstall the product and respond YES to using already in place configuration files.
Last step will be reboot the server one more time and confirm the Service starts without problems.