Several GSVX998E messages can be issued when starting SYSVIEW task. These are the sort of messages which can show up:
16.11.15 STC05929 GSVX998E (DATALIB) PROF034E Profile DEFAULT could not be loaded. Using default values
16.11.18 STC05929 GSVX998E (SERVER) PROF034E Profile DEFAULT could not be loaded. Using default values
16.11.18 STC05929 GSVX998E (AUDIT) PROF034E Profile DEFAULT could not be loaded. Using default values
16.11.18 STC05929 GSVX998E (SERVER) PROF034E Profile DEFAULT could not be loaded. Using default values
16.11.21 STC05929 GSVX998E (SCHEDULR) PROF034E Profile DEFAULT could not be loaded. Using default values
16.11.21 STC05929 GSVX998E (AMS) PROF034E Profile DEFAULT could not be loaded. Using default values
16.11.21 STC05929 GSVX998E (UTIL) PROF034E Profile DEFAULT could not be loaded. Using default values
16.11.24 STC05929 GSVX998E (CICSLOGR) PROF034E Profile DEFAULT could not be loaded. Using default values
The reason for it is that the installation step named: INST0004 was not executed or had failed during its execution, therefore the SYSVIEW Profile dataset is not populated.
To solve this issue, review and re-execute the installation step named: INST0004