Getting CA Librarian CCF error message > PNL04 PANEL VARIABLE UNAVAILABLE <CCF.$CHGP005 000019>
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Getting CA Librarian CCF error message > PNL04 PANEL VARIABLE UNAVAILABLE <CCF.$CHGP005 000019>


Article ID: 6260


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Getting a PNL04 PANEL VARIABLE UNAVAILABLE error message in CA Librarian CCF when trying to either logout or login a module in CA ROSCOE           



CA Librarian V4.4 


Possible causes:

1. LMP Key about to expire.

> PNL04 PANEL VARIABLE UNAVAILABLE <CC2.$CHGP009 000022>                       
CAS9182A - WARNING: LMP key Prod (LJ) CA-LIBR              expires in 028 days  


> PNL04 PANEL VARIABLE UNAVAILABLE <T10.$CHGP005 000019>                       
CAS9182A - WARNING: LMP key Prod (LJ) CA-LIBRARIAN-PRD     expires in 029 days  


2. An enqueue message was issued..  


1. If the LMP Key about to expire,  to continue to use CCF under CA Roscoe use the following command before entering CCF:
 DIVERT WTP CONSOLE              
This will divert all WTP messages to the system console and allow the panel to remain active.
This command will have to be issued at the beginning of new sessions until the LMP keys have been updated.                                . 

2. Check the CA Librarian CCF Admin Services Option 12.11 LCDF function to see if a DEQUEUE message was issued.

If there is a DEQUEUE message issued, then from the command line enter DEQUEUE.