NFA is showing data far less than expected. For example data may be displayed as 1/10th, 1/100th, 1/1000th of what SNMP Statistics show.
For example a report may be showing data rates in the kbps range when it should be in the mbps range.
My device is sending sampled netflow. Is there a way to fix the sampling rate?
This can occur when a router is using a Sampling Rate when sending Netflow, meaning it sends 1 out of every x number of flows. If NFA doesn't detect the sampling rate properly, data will be displayed as far less then expected.
1. mysql harvester -unetqos -pnetqos -t -e "update routing_engines set samplerateoverride=1000 where routerid in(select routerid from routers where inet6_ntoa(router)='x.x.x.x');"
2. Restart the CA NFA Harvester Service.