The CA InterTest for CICS ISER transaction is in an EKCWAIT.
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The CA InterTest for CICS ISER transaction is in an EKCWAIT.


Article ID: 6246


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InterTest - CICS InterTest - Batch InterTest VSE - CICS


 ISER is hanging on EKCWAIT following multiple storage violations in a Dev region. 

Eventually we recycled the region. Can you please advise as to how these tasks can be removed without recycling the region?


CA InterTest for CICS executing in a CICS region.


No action is necessary, InterTest is working as designed, ISER will sit in an EKCWAIT state as a normal function. ISER acts as a central information repository keeping track of InterTest monitoring activity and the location of each internal task as it executes. 

Do not attempt to purge the task as it is designed to restart itself.   As a normal function, the way to stop ISER is to issue a CNTL=END and allow InterTest to bring it down during the shutdown process.

Additional Information

Please refer to the following documentation describing the CA InterTest for CICS ISER transaction:

  • The Activate Your Product section found in the CA InterTest and CA Symdump - 10.0 documentation wiki.  A description of the ISER transaction is found under Deactivate CA InterTest for CICS
  • The CA InterTest for CICS r9.1 Installation Guide.  Again, look under the section entitled Deactivate CA InterTest for CICS