After enabling Web Services for SAP R3 accounts, the Identity porta connector to IM fails to start
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After enabling Web Services for SAP R3 accounts, the Identity porta connector to IM fails to start


Article ID: 6235


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


After importing the Tasks and Roles for SAP R3 endpoint and enabling the web services for the relevant tasks, the connector for Identity Manager in Identity Portal does not start anymore.


Identity Portal 12.6 SP8Identity Portal 14.0Identity Suite 126 SP8Identity Suite 14.0


The SAP R3 account tasks and roles do not allow for WSDL parsing.



The following three admin tasks need to be modified: 

Create SAP R3 Account 

Modify SAP R3 Account

Delete SAP R3 Account

In each of the three admin tasks click on the tabs section and remove the roles tab.

Click submit and try to reload the Identity Manager connector in Identity Portal.

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