When I specify both the IP address AND a port number on the PROTOCOL statement of my CCI parms,
I receive a “CAS9216E - Invalid command - bad variable length or format when ENF attempts to start CCI.”
If I specify ONLY an IP address OR a port number, CCI starts successfully.
Netparm data on the GATEWAY, NODE, and PROTOCOL control options is restricted to 32 characters. Specifying both the IP address and port number exceeded that value.
You can code only the IP address or the port number on the NETPARM statement to stay under the 32 character limit
If you have a need to include parms that are more than 32 characters, you can:
Refer to the netparm description found under the section labeled PROTOCOL(protocol,netparm,retry,sysid,maxru,start/stop) included within the CA Common Services Documentation wiki.