Generating EEM security certificates via autosys_secure results in Sybase errors.
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Generating EEM security certificates via autosys_secure results in Sybase errors.


Article ID: 6170


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CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)



Generating EEM security certificates via autosys_secure results in Sybase errors.


CAUAJM_E_18000 Database function call <ct_send_data> failed in <updateBlobData> with return code: 0
CAUAJM_E_18015 Client message: Message number: layer (4), Origin (2), text (ct_send_data(): protocol specific layer: internal Client Library error: There is an internal tds layer error. An error was returned from the server while processing an internal tds stream.), SEVERITY = (6), NUMBER = (50)
CAUAJM_E_18018 Server message: Message number(7130), Severity(16), State(1), Line(1), Message String: WRITETEXT with no log is not valid at this time.  Database AEDB must first be configured for this.

CAUAJM_E_18012 Event Server: <DBSERVER:AEDB>  Failed Stored Procedure: <EXEC ujo_put_keyed_blob @blob_id <<[@value=ed4f7f20],'SAFECERT'>>>
CAUAJM_E_18007 Failed to update the Blob Global Variable.
CAUAJM_E_18006 next_row call failed for IO Descriptor in Blob implementation.
CAUAJM_E_18000 Database function call <ct_send_data> failed in <updateBlobData> with return code: 0
CAUAJM_E_18015 Client message: Message number: layer (4), Origin (2), text (ct_send_data(): protocol specific layer: internal Client Library error: There is an internal tds layer error. An error was returned from the server while processing an internal tds stream.), SEVERITY = (6), NUMBER = (50)
CAUAJM_E_18018 Server message: Message number(7130), Severity(16), State(1), Line(1), Message String: WRITETEXT with no log is not valid at this time.  Database AEDB must first be configured for this.



CAUAJM_E_10163 Exhausted maximum number of query retries.
CAUAJM_E_10160 The execution of the below query experienced an unrecoverable error and will not be retried:

CAUAJM_E_10487 An error occurred uploading the certificate file to the database.

CAUAJM_E_60199 Unable to generate the CA EEM certificate. See previous error messages for details.
CAUAJM_W_60190 The CA EEM server location remains unchanged.


Note: Sybase ASE server name "DBSERVER" and the database name "AEDB" in the aforementioned error snip could be different in your environment.


CA Workload Automation AE 12.0.x/12.1.x on all supported OS platforms with Sybase ASE database(s).


The aforementioned Sybase error while generating EEM (external security) certificates is a result of the Sybase ASE database option "select into/bulkcopy/pllsort" not being enabled for the CA WAAE Database.


To address this problem, follow steps below:


1. Check if the WAAE database in the Sybase ASE server has been setup with the "select into/bulkcopy/pllsort" option. You can use the sp_helpdb stored procedure to within the isql command line, like so:

sh-4.2$ isql -U sa -P <password> -S DBSERVER -w 200 -s"|"
1> sp_helpdb
2> go


2. If the "select into/bulkcopy/pllsort" option does not appear under the status column of the sp_helpdb output, then enable the db option using the following isql commands:

sh-4.2$ isql -U sa -P <password> -S DBSERVER
1> use AEDB
2> go
1> master..sp_dboption AEDB, "select into", true
2> go
Database option 'select into/bulkcopy/pllsort' turned ON for database 'AEDB'.
Running CHECKPOINT on database 'AEDB' for option 'select into/bulkcopy/pllsort' to take effect.
(return status = 0)

Note: By default, the WAAE database on Sybase ASE is setup with the following DB options during installation. Disabling these options may result in unexpected WAAE behavior.

  • select into/bulkcopy/pllsort
  • trunc log on chkpt
  • abort tran on log full

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