The following error is displayed when clicking on the Test button for ServiceAide (aka CA Cloud Service Management) integration:
"Please check the configuration for CA Cloud Service Management (cacsm)"
There are two possible causes for this test failure:
a) There is a blank space in the "Service Desk Server Name" field.
b) The License Type set for the account is not appropriate. Login also fails at ServiceAide web page.
a) Remove the blank space after the "/" character in the Service Desk Server Name field.
b) Change the License Type from "Web Service" to "Fixed" in ServiceAide.
Here are the steps:
1. Login at either or
2. Click on Manage and then select Tools.
3. Click on Users.
4. Search for the account and then change the License Type to "Fixed" and Save.
5. Test will run successfully and you will be able to add the server in the Service Desk Servers table.