Why is the post-install ssid0004 'Free Product Plans and Packages' job only freeing my old plans, but not the correlating packages?
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Why is the post-install ssid0004 'Free Product Plans and Packages' job only freeing my old plans, but not the correlating packages?


Article ID: 6076


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Using my current version of the CA DB2 Tools, I want to free all of my previous version's plans and packages via the Post-Install ssid0004

'Free Plans and Packages' job.   I correctly specify the previous version's PLANSxx and DSNAMExx members along with the previous version's

.CDBAPARM (Parmlib) dataset.  Specifying option '0' the job just proceeds to free the previous version's plans, but not the correlating packages.


Component: INS


The cause of this condition is due to the DSNAMExx member (as stated on the 0004 job generation panel) referencing a wrong DBRM library (.CDBADBRM).

This library must be the same version as the version of the plans and packages wanting to be freed.





Ensure the DSNAMExx parmlib member from the previous version's Parmlib library (.CDBAPARM)  specifies the same version's DBRM library (.CDBADBRM)

as the version of the plans and packages wanting to be freed.